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Oakley: Agency website
We figured the best way to tell our story was to make our website one. So we made our entire site
a 3-minute video on YouTube.
Arrows along the timeline scrubber serve as a "menu," showing viewers where different content exists within the video. Clickable annotations link to other "pages" on this all-video site.
Ryan Holland
Gold Cannes Lion
Gold One Show Pencil
Silver Andy, Silver Pencil, etc.
SXSW Site of the Year
One Show Best of the
Digital Decade
Huffington Post Most
Innovative Sites of All Time
Webby Award
FWA Site of the Month
AdAge 20 Best Ads
on YouTube, Businessweek's
21 Ads You Won't Hate, etc.
New business from EA,
Microsoft and others
Actual site embedded here:

COMING 24 MAY Sorry for the incovenience
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